Welcome to our blog:)

Courtney, Korie, and Kylie

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rocket Blog #4

During this project, we had complications with the parachute. Our first parachute would deploy, but could not hold the weight of our rocket, therefore it was defective and needed to be modified. When we finally made our second parachute and tested it, the parachute did not deploy on any of our tests. Instead we tried to make the rocket ascend at a great height incase the parachute did not deploy. We needed to make our time. To do this, we made our cone heavier with a highlighter, a pencil, and a small tube of hand sanitizer. In the end, our parachute did not deploy, but our rocket went higher than ever, and stayed in the air for a sufficient amount of time.

Final Launch

Launch #3

Rocket Blog #3

Our second launch wasn't as successfull as our first, the parachute didn't deploy on our attempts because we needed to somehow make it fly out when it was launched. In order to do this we used a garbage bag parachute and tried to make our cone attach to the parachute. When the cone would fly off, it would pull the parachute out as well. The rocket didn't fly up as high this time either. Our next attempt, we'll make the cone heavier to possibly make the rocket fly higher. The rocket did launch, and flew up but didn't fly high enough. The parachute still didn't deploy and our predictions for our rocket becoming better were wrong. The rocket didn't improve, in order to make it better we need to make more changes. Our next attempt will have a heavier cone.

Second Launch

Launch #2

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rocket Blog #2

The first successful thing with our rocket is the height, our rocket launched really high on its first attempt and our parachute also worked. The parachute didn't fully open enough to keep the bottle rocket in the air long enough. The amount of time our rocket stayed in the air was unsuccessful and our next modification would be to make a bigger parachute. Our prediction was that our launch wouldn't be good because it would be our first time, and it was correct. The improvements we chose to make are the size of the parachute and possibly using a garbage bag instead of a plastic bag. We believe the amount of water was good enough to launch it high and the wings were sturdy.

Monday, May 2, 2011

First Launch

Flight Data: 
-Mass of empty rocket: 200 g
-Mass of rocket w/water: 1,010 g
-Total flight time: 4.2 seconds
-Time to maximum height: 1.6 seconds

First Launch 4.2 seconds