Welcome to our blog:)

Courtney, Korie, and Kylie

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rocket Blog #1

Through constructing the bottle rocket we came up with some difficult tasks before we could complete it. First cutting the water bottle itself was a challenge because we used only a scissors to cut. Also, cutting the cardboard for the wings of the bottle rocket was difficult because cardboard is much thicker. Creating the holes where the string to attach the parachute to the bottle was also challenging. Most of these difficulties were due to the types of supplies we had and its capabilities. We eventually successfully built the rocket. We did take into consideration some of the different supplies we could use. Instead of a garbage bag we used a plastic bag, making it easier instead of having to cut the bag. We used cardboard wings because they would be sturdier and made sure everything was taped well. Considering this is our first attempt at creating a bottle rocket and that we made some changes on our own, our predictions for this rocket is that it won’t fly as good as wed want it. The first time we hope will be the one to tell us what changes we need to make in order to make other attempts even better.

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